Get laid - for newbs

The mating signal: a woman who is interested in your character and physical display will give and show the mating signal – which is prolonged eye contact, making an effort to speak with you, going out of her way to give you time – and essentially: giving herself to you. She will make it easy for escalation of the interaction to lead to a second date/plans for the future. A woman who is not interested will go out of her way to show you that she is not interested.

It’s up to you then to take action – you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Tale this into consideration - the woman doesn’t know you – so she doesn’t have a chance to even reject or accept you as a potential date!

So there’s two ways to go about this:

  1. Either look for signals and then approach, or;
  2. Just approach and see what happens.

The risqué option is approach with no signals – but those signals are purely based on your body-language and appearance (physical). Unless she’s seen you interact with others to display your charismatic and charming James Bond-Casanova-lady-killer-esque personality – she doesn’t know too much!

Rejection is inevitable – but it is and always will be a numbers game. So follow the psychopathic strategy of sowing seeds as much as possible – ethically! The law of averages say – the more you do something, the likelier it is that the outcome you want will happen eventually. SO keep trying and don’t give up! (Maths really helps here!)

Of course I say this – but - its absolutely vital that you take care of yourself first. Your hobbies give you depth and strength of character – and for me they have always worked hand-in-hand with dating. Success and involvement in hobbies (pursuit of excellence + pursuit of strength/competency = masculinity / purpose driven.) which therefore make you masculine and therefore in the ‘king vibe’ which is essential for dating. Have I seen nerds and effeminates date and get away with it? Of course I have. Once again – it’s a big world and we are humans at the end of the day – and the girl you’re most interested in boning is still a human being.

Before I move on I want to say – don’t bother with the PUA material. It’ll fuck you up socially and mentally – and will leave you a deranged psychopath (creepy one) and its essentially the devil. (quick fix + no soul + selfish action = satan/evil.) On that point – ever wondered why doing something hard leads to feeling good? For the long term? Development of soul. Christianity was here first on that – just saying! (Go read the Pauline Gospels of the bible. Starting with Romans.)

Alternatives to PUA material? Read books about life, go to the gym, study being logical and then be logical (study maths + reasoning skills - you can think for yourselves) take some improv classes, and go and share love and positivity with people. Stop jerking off - it kills your drive and testosterone. Don't watch porn - it turns you into a creep. Develop competence, earn confidence – and you’ll end up with a nice lady in your bed somewhere down the line. I didn’t invent the universe – but it just does work. It helps to have a bit of leadership and direction as well – as essentially that’s what all women are looking for: Dad. (Don’t say daddy you perv.) By the way men are no different – we’re looking for Dad also. (God.) It helps to have mum as well. (Don’t you fucking dare say Mommy.)

Go out and cause some controlled and effective mayhem. Save some for the rest of us!

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