Have a think #2
Religion, science and spirituality. When you hear that you shouldn't talk about religion and politics in certain places it's not necessarily because they are against either. Dogma, propaganda and marketing are not religion or politics but some people will misrepresent them as such.
Labour are anti progressive and the conservatives have destroyed more than they have conserved. Church of England rather fiddle kids than teach peace of mind. Islam is nearly perfect but the followers are as bad as creationists. Jesus, Mohammad and Buddha are all turning in their graves.
The Qur'an got something right before scientists discovered it? Well done pat yourself on the back. God created the world in 6 days, wow. Then we have the doorknockers where you actually invite them in for tea and they try baptising you before you've sent in a rescue bourbon to save the digestive that sank and imploded in the bottom of your tea cup.
It's no good screaming god isn't real like some fedora wearing atheist. A true man of God knows that god isn't a power external to you and thinking so is blasphemous. Imagine believing in Santa or psychopomps, rather than seeing the deeper meaning or feelings from which they were born. We as humans are lost and seek guidance and try to make sense of the world around us. We accidentally pick up books and gorge on information we don't understand becoming confused. Looking to "god" or believing thermodynamics to be the answer to all.
This hunger for knowledge sounds familiar. The old testament is universal in the abrahamic world. The tree of knowledge and the forbidden fruit, the story of Faust where he exchanged his soul for unlimited knowledge and pleasure. It's not to say that the dumb are happier but why torment yourself so much that you enter a death spiral and end up in a psychiatric emergency.
God is within and you are a part of the divine whether you like it or not. You don't believe in god? Oh no what a pity because he wasn't real to begin with. "God" is a made up word, if you start thinking of a creator or an old man in robes then you're an idiot. God represents the supreme and ultimate reality, do not believe in god. God just is and there's nothing we can do about it, a war on god will be a bigger failure than the war on drugs and that just made us stray further from god.
When you do something for god, you're really just spitting in the face of what you think god is. God is what is good, god is good. We have an objective reality around us, we all just want a little bit of good at the worst of times. Sometimes we want something to be real. God is real.
War is humanity possessed by demonic energy, "god told me to kill him". God did not. "They don't believe in my god", you don't believe in your god. It really isn't that hard. Honestly I shouldn't be using the word god because it's really impossible for me to convey what I really mean but god is the closest I can think of. Because the voices in our head are not god, I might attribute them to the devil sometimes but then we're talking about good and bad and I don't think it's really worth separating them and associating god and satan to them. Seems too convenient to have the word god one letter away from good. God is good and the bad. Just like the bible I'm contradicting myself. Read the Jewish old testament for the best experience of "god" then look at Islam for what "good" is. Anything else is satanic. Christianity is what zen is to Hinduism. Useful but not a universal truth. The reason I think we have religions is to tailor the same universal teaching to be more palatable to the great unwashed within a small region. Think about the insanity of missionaries thinking they're right and trying to convert others. "they're Satanists" you may first think but maybe there's a little nuance and it's a bit more complex than the big bad devil trying to ruin your day. Their truth is as correct as yours, the teaching are the same, you aren't everyone and you were taught what your pile of genetics was able to absorb. Why do you think We're teaching teachers about different forms of learning in students. People have their preferences and all they have to do is pick a religion off the great menu of truth.
Here's a quote from the late Terry Davis
What’s reality? I don’t know. When my bird was looking at my computer monitor I thought, ‘That bird has no idea what he’s looking at.’ And yet what does the bird do? Does he panic? No, he can’t really panic, he just does the best he can. Is he able to live in a world where he’s so ignorant? Well, he doesn’t really have a choice. The bird is okay even though he doesn’t understand the world. You’re that bird looking at the monitor, and you’re thinking to yourself, ‘I can figure this out.’ Maybe you have some bird ideas. Maybe that’s the best you can do.
Call it what you want. God, Reality, the spirit world. It's all the same. Same goes for the devil and demons. It could just be that voice in your head telling you to do something that you know you really shouldn't do. If you can't tell anymore then you're possessed and that requires emergency psychiatric treatment like an impromptu exorcism. Irrationality be gone.