Transactional mail services

Sendgrid used to be my go-to mail IaaS provider years ago. I set up my API keys and tried to leave them alone for a couple of years, my keys got revoked a few times which wasn't that big of an issue as I just issued new ones. This should have got the alarm bells ringing. I'm looking at the login screen now which states there's an error with my account which is preventing me from logging in. The same error is used for invalid and non-existent accounts.

I thought I could wipe the slate clean and start again and start the sign up process again, from 20 minutes ago I was naïve and hadn't been jaded by years of IT grunt work yet. I received another error stating my email was already in use and that I should recover my account by feigning I had forgotten my password. In which it tells me it will send me an email if I had previously registered an account with that email address. You can smell my blood starting to boil at this point because you know as well as I do what this means. I promptly open a ticket with support hoping they could fix this without me having to reply to a level 1 tech support influencer. I get a reply 2 hours later and also receive a password reset email not far off that either which had already expired by the time I get to it. In reply to the ticket Mr Man wants to know my name for some reason, the excuse being he's being friendly then gives me a template reply to reset my password or to wait as it may have been suspended due to security measures due to me trying to log into it.

I logged my ticket as a high priority one according to their guidelines due to me having a complete outage. In hindsight I should have fired back a reply demanding to have the ticket escalated. But instead I limped with my tail between my legs over to Postmark, which is like trying to enter a HOA as a homeless person. Waiting for account verification like a member of the great unwashed. This is what people go through so that they can send you marketing emails on the topics of crypto, drop shipping or buy my course on how to become a millionaire that sells repackaged online courses out the back of their car.

God help me

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